May 27Liked by Anne Kadet

Stick with Bustelo! Don't give that fool one thin dime of your hard-earned money, even if it is for research! Thanks for another great read.

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Wow I am very surprised by how strong the NO RUDY COFFEE vote is so far!

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I neither live in New York nor drink coffee, and I'm voting Team Bustelo!

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OMG we DO need to start a TEAM BUSTELO!

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Ms. Kadet! Rudy and Trump in the same newsletter? Shame.

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Hard pass on the Rudy coffee. No amount of money will cover his bail, plus it surely sucks.

Strip mall: Philz Coffee, Panera Bread, Independent bookstore, Coldstone, Best Buy.

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That is a great strip mall Amran, appreciate the Coldstone and Best Buy, very 90s. But sorry, no indy stores. That's cheatin'!

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Ah, sorry! I missed the chain requirement. I'll take a Barnes & Nobles then.

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May 27Liked by Anne Kadet

Thank you, Anne, for brightening a dull work day by giving me a dream strip mall; now when I zone out in my cubicle, I will have somewhere to go. My picks are:

Dick Blick Art Materials

Salvation Army Thrift

Trader Joe’s


Powell’s Books

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Marina, nice!!! I'd totally go hang at your strip mall if I had a car, haha.

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Love love love the style ambush! Her pose is EVERYTHING. Great questions, Anne. Please keep this feature!

The Pope asking Adams to pray for HIM - priceless! I laughed out loud.

The people simply do not want you sending Rudy any money, Anne. I agree. Bustelo for life!

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Thank Amy I will for sure do more of style blog Q&A. It was so much fun!

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P.S. your dream mall is PERFECTION. No notes.

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May 27Liked by Anne Kadet

I haven’t cut my hair since the pandemic started. I’ve thought about it many times, but just never did. Now, I will think of it as my connection to the Universe! (I may even wear it in braids now, instead of a bun atop my head!!)

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Oh that's great Lynne! Please let me know all the signals you receive from the universe!

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May 31Liked by Anne Kadet

So far, the Universe is maintaining radio silence. Will keep you posted.

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May 27Liked by Anne Kadet

My dream strip mall has: Traders, Cinnabon, a great Pizzeria, a Library branch, and Legal Seafoods. Food and books before clothing! :) I know it's not fair but, Bonus stops: Five Guys and/or DQ

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Now that's a great strip mall! I'm with you on the food and books before clothing, Linda!

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One with a Barnes and Noble? Or do we hate them? : )

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It's funny I think B&N was the enemy, Richard, until Amazon came along.

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May 27Liked by Anne Kadet

What if Mayor Adams paid immigrants a dead rat bounty! At least for the ones who don’t want to be lifeguards. Seems like everyone wins! Safer swimming, cleaner streets. It would be a beautiful paradise like Switzerland, but with diversity and better restaurants. An extra dollar per rat if they agree to pray for the pope.

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LH that is genius! Even better it could be a live rat bounty and then we could deliver the rats to some enemy territory. Like LA!

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May 27Liked by Anne Kadet

Hard agree on not putting any $ into the Giuliani orbit. HOWEVER in the name of "research" should you need to visit him in prison I would happily underwrite that investment.

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Forever no to inflationary Giuliani coffee. Impossible to believe any Giuliani product could ever make me feel good. Yes to any strip mall with a Trader Joe's. Really why is the Mayor visiting the Vatican?God knows he has enough problems here at home, especially that of likely being a one-term Mayor. Hope he can ferret out the two-legged rats in his administration. I guess ever hopeful. Loved the style story, that was a ten! Now she would make an interesting and I believe a productive mayor.

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Oh man! Why didn't I think to put a TJ's in my strip mall, Sharon? Glad you enjoyed the style story. Our heroine has many talents for sure!

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that's what you have us for, for the reminders!

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Anne! My dream strip mall would have a Dairy Queen, Pizza Hut, a branch of the local library, a fresh fruits & veg vendor, and another Dairy Queen (because that’s how much I ❤️ DQ).

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So funny you've got two Dairy Queens Scott. Love it!!!

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Upside-down exclamation points: FANCY

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It took me some real keyboard acrobatics, BA!

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Hmmm. I got an immediate image of a miniature you doing acrobatics across your keyboard. Ain't life wacky?

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May 27Liked by Anne Kadet

Dream strip mall: L’Occitane, Wawa, Sephora, Crabtree & Evelyn, chic filet

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Love it Patty! I'd never come up with that combo in zillion years!

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omg Eric Adams watch, tackling the migrant crisis and life guard shortage, he really said that!? Also, glad he’s praying for Papa omg

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One of his finest moments, Jolene!

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May 28·edited May 28Liked by Anne Kadet

HIZZONER saw the Pope!! Reminds me of my favorite Pope joke: The Pope and an Italian deacon are conversing in English on a bus and engage in an animated conversation.

The American tourist sitting in front of them ignores them at first, but her attention is galvanized when she hears the Pope say the following:

"Emma come first. Den I come. Den two asses come together. I come once-a-more. Two asses, they come together again. I come again and pee twice. Then I come one lasta time."

"You foul-mouthed swine," retorted the tourist indignantly. "And you're the Pope!!"

"Hey, coola down lady," said the Pope. "Who talkin' abouta sexa? I'm a justa tellin' my frienda how to spella 'Mississippi'."

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May 27Liked by Anne Kadet

You don't want to get hyped up on Rudy Bold. You might storm the Capitol!

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I already drink SO MUCH COFFEE Mike I don't know if a few cups of RUDY BOLD will make any difference. But appreciate the warning!

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Why is Rudy hawking coffee? Everybody knows there’s more money in Bibles.

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LOL maybe the RUDY BIBLE is next!

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Strip Mall Dreamin...Caribou Coffee (chillin), Nail Shop (people watching), GameStop (connecting with the kidz), Chipotle (suburban personalization of foodz) and Barnes & Noble

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That's a great strip mall Mr. Dolan! I'm glad you understand that a coffee stop is ESSENTIAL.

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