Nick if I were smart I would spend more time investigating books in advance like you do, and less time checking them out of the library, reading one chapter and tossing them out the window.
Nick if I were smart I would spend more time investigating books in advance like you do, and less time checking them out of the library, reading one chapter and tossing them out the window.
It IS difficult! Mr. Ready, the visiting every bookstore guy, says that once he starts a book he ALWAYS finishes. I understand the impulse but have adopted the one chapter/first 50 pages rule. If it's not fun yet, out the window!
Nick if I were smart I would spend more time investigating books in advance like you do, and less time checking them out of the library, reading one chapter and tossing them out the window.
You get a gold star for giving yourself permission to quit a book and move on. That is brilliant and difficult. 🙏🏾
It IS difficult! Mr. Ready, the visiting every bookstore guy, says that once he starts a book he ALWAYS finishes. I understand the impulse but have adopted the one chapter/first 50 pages rule. If it's not fun yet, out the window!
Maybe a good trash heap photo below your window?