Range of human behavior is the BEST Judge. Read a book about the Supreme Court. Author was talking about lunchtime at the Court. Rehnquist always had one can of beer and a cigarette. Another, I think Souter, used to eat an apple including the core -- New Englander
Range of human behavior is the BEST Judge. Read a book about the Supreme Court. Author was talking about lunchtime at the Court. Rehnquist always had one can of beer and a cigarette. Another, I think Souter, used to eat an apple including the core -- New Englander
Range of human behavior is the BEST Judge. Read a book about the Supreme Court. Author was talking about lunchtime at the Court. Rehnquist always had one can of beer and a cigarette. Another, I think Souter, used to eat an apple including the core -- New Englander
I wonder if either of the Justices wore trousers during lunch or stripped down to their skivies??
Another story not to tell