Wow Anne, I was not going to slack right now, but you had me at Gristedes. I remember moving to Battery Park in 2008 and we had only two supermarkets — Gristedes and... Gristedes. Both were overpriced beyond comprehension, gross in a way that should never be associated with food and chock full of things gone bad. I got really curious abo…
Wow Anne, I was not going to slack right now, but you had me at Gristedes. I remember moving to Battery Park in 2008 and we had only two supermarkets — Gristedes and... Gristedes. Both were overpriced beyond comprehension, gross in a way that should never be associated with food and chock full of things gone bad. I got really curious about these places and why on earth they were even in business. I've been wondering about this guy ever since. Especially when he ran for mayor I remember thinking OMG I hope this guy doesnt win so our city doesn't turn into a GRISTEDES!!!! 😱 Sorry, John, if you're reading, I'm sure you're a great guy, but I'm all about "gettin' fooled" by Trader Joe's!
Oh that's so funny Maria. It was the Battery Park City Gristedes that I was writing about in 1998! I guess things were not much better for you ten years later. Looks like one is now closed down and one is still open—with mixed reviews...
I haven’t thought about Gristedes since I left NYC in 2003. I was not a fan. Thankfully, I lived in Brooklyn Heights, so my go-to was Key Foods or D’Agastino’s. Now that I’m back in Los Angeles, I’m all about being fooled by Trader Joe’s!
Wow Anne, I was not going to slack right now, but you had me at Gristedes. I remember moving to Battery Park in 2008 and we had only two supermarkets — Gristedes and... Gristedes. Both were overpriced beyond comprehension, gross in a way that should never be associated with food and chock full of things gone bad. I got really curious about these places and why on earth they were even in business. I've been wondering about this guy ever since. Especially when he ran for mayor I remember thinking OMG I hope this guy doesnt win so our city doesn't turn into a GRISTEDES!!!! 😱 Sorry, John, if you're reading, I'm sure you're a great guy, but I'm all about "gettin' fooled" by Trader Joe's!
Oh that's so funny Maria. It was the Battery Park City Gristedes that I was writing about in 1998! I guess things were not much better for you ten years later. Looks like one is now closed down and one is still open—with mixed reviews...
I haven’t thought about Gristedes since I left NYC in 2003. I was not a fan. Thankfully, I lived in Brooklyn Heights, so my go-to was Key Foods or D’Agastino’s. Now that I’m back in Los Angeles, I’m all about being fooled by Trader Joe’s!
"OMG I hope this guy doesnt win so our city doesn't turn into a GRISTEDES!!!!"
You win the Internet today with that comment!! LOL!!!