Anne I didn’t even read this yet but I can tell you confidently you can make a lot more selling your dirty underwear to strangers rather than washing theirs for them.
$48? You could make $100 or more if they’ve been worn for an, um, more extended period. (Disclaimer: I have never done this, but I know some women who have!)
Great piece as usual, but it made me really sad for everyone really trying to hustle in this gig economy. Going back and forth on public transportation and washing and folding other people's underwear and boohoolemons. "And do it WITH LOVE so the privileged client bestows a not entirely humiliating tip!"
But not to be a downer, I am pleased to report that you don't have to be rich to have an in-unit washer/dryer in NYC - just lucky as all get-out! The rich send their clothes out anyway, why waste real estate on an unsightly W/D when you can put a tasteful heirloom in that darling little nook...
JEBNYC it is true that whenever I embark on one of these little adventures, it is a bit of an exercise in make-believe. While I DO need the money, I don't really need the money, if you know what I mean. I'm sure it wouldn't feel like a lark if I was doing this for a living. On the other hand, given the right spirit, who knows?
Also as I'm sure you know, an increasing number of new condo development is featuring in-unit washers and dryers. Another diabolical effort to water down NYC culture and Americanize the city!
Hi Anne! Please tell Clotheslyner Amber T. on the app to add 1/4 to a 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar to the cat-piss laundry. Gets the smell out every time! (I have a cat who thinks that anything left on the floor is fair game!)
Alice that's so funny. Clotheslyner Amber T. was also complaining that the customer wanted her to add a whole GALLON of AC vinegar to the load, and didn't that seem excessive?
PS. You also could have come over to use our machine… would have saved you $4.10 and a lot of time. And if you were willing to bike with a giant backpack you wouldn’t have needed the bus fare. Plus, I probably just feel really sorry for you and drive you back. But that wouldn’t have made as good of a story.
Ooooh have fun on vacation. Or relax! You know what, do whatever you want, I'm not the vacation police. This issue was *chef's kiss*. From the ironic trash heap to the fresh folded laundry (irony is the opposite of wrinkly), everything made me smile. Sorry it looks like your laundry schlepping journey won't amount to much, at least now we know that sort of service exists. If I had a house and a washer, I might consider doing it.
This reply made me laugh. My daughter worked at a dry cleaners. On a recent trip to Chicago she had to visit the world's largest laundromat. It was pretty impressive. We're making a visit to a unique sites part of all our trips. We've seen the Salt & Pepper Museum in Gatlinburg and the Blue Whale of Catoosa just outside Tulsa, to name a few. Great conversation starters! Enjoy your vacation, Anne😎
This reply made me laugh. My daughter worked at a dry cleaners. On a recent trip to Chicago she had to visit the world's largest laundromat. It was pretty impressive. We're making a visit to a unique sites part of all our trips. We've seen the Salt & Pepper Museum in Gatlinburg and the Blue Whale of Catoosa just outside Tulsa, to name a few. Great conversation starters! Enjoy your vacation, Anne😎
I hope you have a wonderful restful and fun vacation.
(btw - In the screenshot Camden appears slightly more trustworthy then the other Zoom participants....just saying....but you make up for it in the outtake laundry pics.)
Another bright and beautiful and optimistic Monday thanks to your newsletter....Bon voyage.
Will do double duty w the therapist next two weeks until you return.
Gerard, please share your secrets! Every time I try to fold my fitted sheet, I just give up and fold it into a ball and shove it in the back of the closet!
Also I am trying to come up with a good laundromat feature. Wish me luck!
😀 The trick is that wrist flip on the corner joins, like how a gaffer wraps cables, a bagel maker flips that dough ring or a baker shapes a baguette… do enough of them and it’s all muscle memory… long end, join corners, flip inside out, join the opposite corner, flip… now you got a square.. flat surface, fold long end, fold, fold to thirds.. done.. easy-peazy… balls are good!!!
Good luck on the laundromat feature! Can’t wait to read that one.
Emily, I DID do a CAFÉ ANNE calendar. It featured a different Weird Trash Heap for every month of the year. It didn't sell well, and was a lot of work, but I was glad I did it!
Anne! I literally laughed out loud! And I could just imagine you laughing as you did the laundry. Those images are priceless. You definitely deserve more than $4.07!
The gig economy has truly jumped the shark, or earned its stripes as they say in soiled tighty whities circles. Time to double your subscription prices.
And the discarded copy of "The Waste Free World" is just too perfect!
As your financial advisor, ew.
Okay, but we still need to discuss the tax deductions.
Thongs are, technically, a dependent!
somehow laptop wont allow me to like this comment but its funny as hell
Anne I didn’t even read this yet but I can tell you confidently you can make a lot more selling your dirty underwear to strangers rather than washing theirs for them.
That is exactly what I came here to say! She’d probably make at least triple!
$48? I feel oddly flattered, EQ!
$48? You could make $100 or more if they’ve been worn for an, um, more extended period. (Disclaimer: I have never done this, but I know some women who have!)
What, you're not posting a link?
Then the follow up to that for all the Buddhists out here: does selling worn underwear to VERY willing strangers constitute sexual misconduct? 🤪🤔
To be discussed on Thursday!
LOL thanks Maria!
For your promo pictures, perhaps wear the outfit chosen by the thrift store staffer (see previous post).
Liza, you're right, HUGE missed opportunity. I think the tangerine sparkles would have played much better on Clotheslyne!
One crusty sock and I'd be done being a clotheslyner forever.
My load was sock-free, Samuel! Guess I got lucky.
Great piece as usual, but it made me really sad for everyone really trying to hustle in this gig economy. Going back and forth on public transportation and washing and folding other people's underwear and boohoolemons. "And do it WITH LOVE so the privileged client bestows a not entirely humiliating tip!"
But not to be a downer, I am pleased to report that you don't have to be rich to have an in-unit washer/dryer in NYC - just lucky as all get-out! The rich send their clothes out anyway, why waste real estate on an unsightly W/D when you can put a tasteful heirloom in that darling little nook...
JEBNYC it is true that whenever I embark on one of these little adventures, it is a bit of an exercise in make-believe. While I DO need the money, I don't really need the money, if you know what I mean. I'm sure it wouldn't feel like a lark if I was doing this for a living. On the other hand, given the right spirit, who knows?
Also as I'm sure you know, an increasing number of new condo development is featuring in-unit washers and dryers. Another diabolical effort to water down NYC culture and Americanize the city!
I think your profile photo SHOULD show you jamming laundry into a dishwasher. That's certain to generate more unliveable wages for you.
That would be too close to real life, Mr. Gowani.
Your facial expression on the zoom call cracks me up.. maybe you should have a New Yorker style caption contest for pictures from your exploits!
Haha I had a bunch of screen shots to choose from Jack and I chose the one I did for that exact reason. :)
Hi Anne! Please tell Clotheslyner Amber T. on the app to add 1/4 to a 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar to the cat-piss laundry. Gets the smell out every time! (I have a cat who thinks that anything left on the floor is fair game!)
Alice that's so funny. Clotheslyner Amber T. was also complaining that the customer wanted her to add a whole GALLON of AC vinegar to the load, and didn't that seem excessive?
OMG, how much pee was on those clothes? Is she putting clothes in the litter box? lol
PS. You also could have come over to use our machine… would have saved you $4.10 and a lot of time. And if you were willing to bike with a giant backpack you wouldn’t have needed the bus fare. Plus, I probably just feel really sorry for you and drive you back. But that wouldn’t have made as good of a story.
Ooooh have fun on vacation. Or relax! You know what, do whatever you want, I'm not the vacation police. This issue was *chef's kiss*. From the ironic trash heap to the fresh folded laundry (irony is the opposite of wrinkly), everything made me smile. Sorry it looks like your laundry schlepping journey won't amount to much, at least now we know that sort of service exists. If I had a house and a washer, I might consider doing it.
I'm going to have so much fun on vacation, Justin, including my annual trip a trip to the "Cleanerly" laundromat in Pulaski, NY!
This reply made me laugh. My daughter worked at a dry cleaners. On a recent trip to Chicago she had to visit the world's largest laundromat. It was pretty impressive. We're making a visit to a unique sites part of all our trips. We've seen the Salt & Pepper Museum in Gatlinburg and the Blue Whale of Catoosa just outside Tulsa, to name a few. Great conversation starters! Enjoy your vacation, Anne😎
This reply made me laugh. My daughter worked at a dry cleaners. On a recent trip to Chicago she had to visit the world's largest laundromat. It was pretty impressive. We're making a visit to a unique sites part of all our trips. We've seen the Salt & Pepper Museum in Gatlinburg and the Blue Whale of Catoosa just outside Tulsa, to name a few. Great conversation starters! Enjoy your vacation, Anne😎
Oh wow I'd for sure go to Chicago just to see that, Michele!
Thanks for your sweet wishes!
AAA++++ newsletter! Thank you!!
I hope you have a wonderful restful and fun vacation.
(btw - In the screenshot Camden appears slightly more trustworthy then the other Zoom participants....just saying....but you make up for it in the outtake laundry pics.)
Another bright and beautiful and optimistic Monday thanks to your newsletter....Bon voyage.
Will do double duty w the therapist next two weeks until you return.
Thanks for the old-school eBay-style grade, mordy and your kind wishes!
What an Adventure! Who’d have thought doing laundry could be so informative yet so economically unsound 😉
Much like my primary occupation as a journalist, Mr. Jacob!
I'm loving the laundromat-themed newsletters! Do they pay out extra for fitted sheet folding skills?? Cause I got them 😀
Gerard, please share your secrets! Every time I try to fold my fitted sheet, I just give up and fold it into a ball and shove it in the back of the closet!
Also I am trying to come up with a good laundromat feature. Wish me luck!
😀 The trick is that wrist flip on the corner joins, like how a gaffer wraps cables, a bagel maker flips that dough ring or a baker shapes a baguette… do enough of them and it’s all muscle memory… long end, join corners, flip inside out, join the opposite corner, flip… now you got a square.. flat surface, fold long end, fold, fold to thirds.. done.. easy-peazy… balls are good!!!
Good luck on the laundromat feature! Can’t wait to read that one.
I LOVE your promo photos! Would you ever consider doing a Cafe Anne calendar? Then readers could relive your adventures all year long <3
Emily, I DID do a CAFÉ ANNE calendar. It featured a different Weird Trash Heap for every month of the year. It didn't sell well, and was a lot of work, but I was glad I did it!
So happy you enjoyed the promo photos!
Anne! I literally laughed out loud! And I could just imagine you laughing as you did the laundry. Those images are priceless. You definitely deserve more than $4.07!
The EXPERIENCE was priceless, Jillian, and I'm glad it made you laugh!
The gig economy has truly jumped the shark, or earned its stripes as they say in soiled tighty whities circles. Time to double your subscription prices.
And the discarded copy of "The Waste Free World" is just too perfect!
Double my subscription prices! Of course! Why didn't I think of that?!?!