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Loved this, Anne! Years ago, when I was doing a lot more journalism, I interviewed Harry Campbell a few times about ride/share drivers. He’s such a great resource for understanding the people who work in delivery and ride/share. Anyway, it was cool to see his name pop up in Cafe Anne!

But back to this report! Thank you so much for tracking down some delivery people. I never get to speak with them because they’re always in a hurry. It was fascinating to hear how they think about their work and how much they enjoy it, even though the pay is low, it’s a grind, and it’s dangerous. I hope you can follow up with Bryan and Marianna at a later date. I wanna know how things are going for them!

Also, I’m really loving the classified ads. They’re such a perfect addition to Cafe Anne.

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Thanks Michael!

I am actually already planning a part 2 with Bryan. We are going to get me on the Uber Eats platform and then he's going to go around with me for a day doing deliveries in some of the rougher parts of Brooklyn.

Isn't Harry Campbell great? He really cut out a unique niche for himself, serving a population that most folks overlook.

Glad you like the classified ads—I'm planning to ask your advice about a couple aspects of this soon...

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