Alas! I first assumed Mr. Joseph was kidding but no. The penny tip is a real thing.
I have so much respect for delivery workers I seldom get anything delivered. Know what I mean? I'm just not super comfortable having someone bring me my dinner when I can fetch it myself. Which is silly because if everyone did that then 80,000 people would…
Alas! I first assumed Mr. Joseph was kidding but no. The penny tip is a real thing.
I have so much respect for delivery workers I seldom get anything delivered. Know what I mean? I'm just not super comfortable having someone bring me my dinner when I can fetch it myself. Which is silly because if everyone did that then 80,000 people would be out of a job.
Alas! I first assumed Mr. Joseph was kidding but no. The penny tip is a real thing.
I have so much respect for delivery workers I seldom get anything delivered. Know what I mean? I'm just not super comfortable having someone bring me my dinner when I can fetch it myself. Which is silly because if everyone did that then 80,000 people would be out of a job.
Very happy you enjoyed the issue. Thanks Jillian!