Well, the fact that he didn't reply to your shrine email made my suspicious. I think he may be distancing himself from you.
And the fact that you typed "never" in caps and even added an exclamation point to it is a double signal of your deep down unacknowledged thought that I'm right. LET'S SEE!
Well, the fact that he didn't reply to your shrine email made my suspicious. I think he may be distancing himself from you.
And the fact that you typed "never" in caps and even added an exclamation point to it is a double signal of your deep down unacknowledged thought that I'm right. LET'S SEE!
Well, the fact that he didn't reply to your shrine email made my suspicious. I think he may be distancing himself from you.
And the fact that you typed "never" in caps and even added an exclamation point to it is a double signal of your deep down unacknowledged thought that I'm right. LET'S SEE!
Are you taking bets?
Sure, if you give me odds. You have to admit my prediction is a longshot. Say 5 to 1.