yeah, my livejournal turns 20 (!!!) years old in january!
i loved that rubber band ball interview - so funny too that it came via a fellow boston person. i wish she had a picture of it's final form. thinking about it exploding (i never thought about/knew about this possibility oh mylanta) and destroying a small town, or someone finding it and keeping it going until it became a roadside's too funny. i also could relate about sometimes getting the "pretty" rubber bands from produce. a lot of my rubber bands are mint green, from when i used to stop at whole foods every week for eggs.
Just as a heads-up, LJ is owned by Russia and has been for a long while. Many of us bit the bullet and deleted our LJs (after porting them over to Dreamwidth) because there are far too many privacy concerns (and that was BEFORE the war started...) You may want to consider doing the same. 🖤
So fun to hear all these memories! And its amazing your Livejournal is still active.
If you like rubber band ball stories here is one I did about a lady from Reno who has serious regrets...
yeah, my livejournal turns 20 (!!!) years old in january!
i loved that rubber band ball interview - so funny too that it came via a fellow boston person. i wish she had a picture of it's final form. thinking about it exploding (i never thought about/knew about this possibility oh mylanta) and destroying a small town, or someone finding it and keeping it going until it became a roadside's too funny. i also could relate about sometimes getting the "pretty" rubber bands from produce. a lot of my rubber bands are mint green, from when i used to stop at whole foods every week for eggs.
Just as a heads-up, LJ is owned by Russia and has been for a long while. Many of us bit the bullet and deleted our LJs (after porting them over to Dreamwidth) because there are far too many privacy concerns (and that was BEFORE the war started...) You may want to consider doing the same. 🖤