I haven't carried cash since 1999, so I can't give money to people on the streets, which I often feel bad about. Many times here in Chicago, especially during the brutal ass winters, I've offered to buy people a meal or preemptively bought them food at a restaurant I'm patronizing.

Lately we've seen a big increase in migrants who were unwittingly shipped here from Florida and Texas. It's grim, and I once purchased a $25 Target gift card for a family with small children. We're financially stable, but giving families $25 even once a week isn't sustainable. Ultimately homelessness is a problem which needs to be addressed by public policy.

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It's true—lots of people don't carry cash these days, Amran. I heard this a lot taking my survey. Though a few folks also said they always make sure to carry bills just so they can give them away.

You also got me thinking about the issue of panhandlers and homelessness. Most homeless people don't panhandle. And not every panhandler is homeless! It'd be interesting to see a venn diagram of the overlap.

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that's something i don't think about...are all panhandlers homeless? Good point!

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I've met a few over the years who happily admit they have a place to live and panhandle for spending money, Miranda!

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So true. We are in a near cashless society.

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Pan flute rejection made me LOL.

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So funny Lucy! I don't know why but the sound—and the vibes—just makes my skin crawl!

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I came here to say the same thing! It might be an effective money-making strategy for a pan flautist busker to offer to stop playing the flutes for a length of time equal to the dollar amount of the donation. Your $5 buys you 5 minutes of waiting for the R train completely unmolested by "El Condor Pasa."

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Brilliant idea Rob!

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Could also work for a banjo player.

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And the recorder

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Anne -- your words make the world a better place. Thanks for always doing your work.

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Oh wow, your words just made my day. Thank you Nicole!

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I’m so glad.

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How do you feel about a busker on a set of bagpipes under the arch in Central Park, east side at 67 (by the dog statue, I forget the name) Worth $5?? If you pass him one day, that would be me... next to the sign saying, "I will teach you how to fold a fitted sheet for $7.00!" You'll only have a ten or two fives and I won't be able to break it, so the cost is really $10 but you'll feel like you only paid $7... I've researched panhandling and it's on the list of retirement options 😀😀😀 ... I mean, how many street ... er... artists... err.... performers... are gonna show you how to fold a fitted sheet? I'll bet I would be the only one... Worth every penny of the $7.00+$3tip.... I'll also take a baconeggncheeseonaroll

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Gerard I LOVE this idea of offering en plein air sheet folding instruction!

I once spent an afternoon singing on the subway for change with my little brother accompanying me on guitars. Believe me its HARD WORK!

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One logistical issue is I never carry cash.

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I heard that a lot David! Especially among 20-somethings. Several said they use Apple Pay for everything. I guess beggars will need to accept Apple Pay.

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Here in Nottingham there are panhandlers who do have gizmos to swipe your card. You can buy them in shops for £20 ($26). Probably cheaper if you know where. Some of them seem to have ‘minders’, hovering close by, which makes me wonder who actually gets the money they collect?

I have just worked out that my wife and I donate via direct debits and standing orders $170 a month to charities, of which $85 goes to two local charities, one working with rough sleepers and providing supported housing (I did the latter for the last 21 years of my working life [1985-2006]). The other running an independent inner-city community centre which Nottingham City Council sold local groups for $13 in 2005 after a successful campaign by locals. One of my proudest moments ever. It’s a struggle to manage still, so we help with a monthly donation. I am not a fan of musicians with amplifiers pumping out so much noise I have to take my (excellent) NHS hearing aids out. 🐰

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So interesting to hear about the panhandlers accepting credit cards. I wonder why that hasn't hit NYC yet? Or maybe I've missed it.

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This is so common now. My kids never have cash. I like to give cash tips— coffee house, restaurant…

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Sep 16Liked by Anne Kadet

For the last few years instead of a dollar, I buy bags of thick black mens socks for cheap and offer a fresh pair of socks to all panhandlers regardless of gender. Socks get dirty and wet out there and can cause foot issues! There is a line I read for what to say to someone panhandling when they say thank you for giving cash or buying food. It is to look the person straight in the eyes and say “You’re welcome. I know you’d do the same for me.” I love it because it gives back dignity and people’s faces light up.

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Awww Sarah, I LOVE the idea of saying, "I know you'd do the same..." I am definitely going to adopt that. Thank you!

And I've heard a number of times for folks who run shelters that SOCKS are always in high demand. And it's certainly more of a pain to carry around socks than dollar bills, so kudos to you!

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15 hrs agoLiked by Anne Kadet

I’m glad you’ll find the line useful too, Anne! ♥️

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16Liked by Anne Kadet

This is probably the only post I would bother to read about people asking for a donation. Not something I think about much I guess. Back when I traveled a lot for work I got to see a lot more of this around the country. I still remember vividly getting off the subway at Union Station in DC and crossing the street to a work assignment. I always carried some fruit with me from the hotel and one morning gave an apple to a person who seemed to have a regular location. He did not appreciate it -- he threw the apple at me and I luckily caught it. I ended up eating it myself. I generally am a softie for the panhandlers. The next morning when I passed him on the corner of Massachusetts Avenue, I made eye contact and offered him a choice of what I had. He appreciated being able to choose I guess and he did not take the apple as an option. I sure enjoy how you seem to have compartmentalized your life partly by eliminating decisions on what to wear, how much to give, etc.I am sure that we will get more examples in the future as you never seem to run out of ideas to share with all of us.

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Mark I LOVE that he threw the apple back at you and you ate it. Wish there was a video.

I never give food (or loose coins) to panhandlers myself because yes they will sometimes take it as an insult. Whatever!

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Sep 16·edited Sep 17Liked by Anne Kadet

flip phone days at best -- no photos :) When the kids were young I ALWAYS left rolls of US Golden dollar coins in the cars for emergencies. SO INCONVENIENT they simply never used them haha — as a person who loves to people watch, gold dollars are a superpower of passive aggressive behavior

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I drove into the Bronx last week and at the end of the highway off ramp was a woman panhandling with a professionally printed sign that said she was a single mother and there were pics of her alleged children. That threw me for a few seconds. But I opened up my center console and grabbed maybe $1 in quarters.

I guess when it comes down to it, as bad as I’ve ever had it (and right now I’m scraping by on disability benefits, after decades as a non-profit exec), I feel like these people have to swallow a lot of pride to do this and their plight is undoubtedly worse than mine. Plus, in the grand scheme of things, is giving up this dollar or two going to adversely affect my life? No. But it might help them eat today.

Are they buying cigarettes, drugs, or alcohol with my/our money? Like you Anne, I don’t care. Most of us probably smoke weed or drink alcohol, so why wouldn’t they? To want to control how they spend the few bucks you’re giving them is paternalistic, IMO.

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Ah, PATERNALISTIC! That is the word I've been looking for, Amy!

Yes, that lady may on the off-ramp may well be a professional hustler. But if someone is bad off enough that they're trying to earn a living begging on a highway ramp...it's what you said. Their plight is worse than ours, and what's the harm.

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I think too about giving to charitable organizations. But a lot of that money is not going directly into the hands of the people they serve. Is it paying to keep the organization going, so that they can help people? Sure, mostly. But just like there are panhandlers buying drugs or booze with your money, there are charities misspending what you give them or misrepresenting what they spend the money on. And even a donor who does their due diligence can be hoodwinked by creative accounting. The public only sees so much of non-profits’ financial statements.

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Amy, that is such a good point. At least when you give a dollar to a drunk panhandler, you know EXACTLY how that money will be spent!

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I give away the change in my pocket without question. On days where I'm out enjoying the city, I give $1 to buskers until I run out of dollar bills.

Over the pandemic I regularly bought food for homeless people. I don't do that now as often largely because of inconvenience. There's an artist who panhandles at the subway entrance I get off where I buy him a breakfast sandwich every now and then, when it aligns that he's there and I'm getting one myself.

Lastly, I relate a lot to Jim from Park Slope. Whenever I start worrying about money or my future, I give money away to remind myself that others are worst off than me and it'll all come back anyway.

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Very cool giving habits, Dane!

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One more story. A guy posted on Nextdoor that he was waiting for a paycheck and had no more food. I know the Food banks (and most charities) have you fill out a bunch of paperwork before you get any benefits and he seemed to be hungry now. I happened to be going to Trader Joe’s and asked him what he wanted. He turned down my offer because TJ’s didn’t carry Jimmy Deans sausage! I guess beggars can be choosers?

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Another great post. Love your interviews.

Many years ago hubby volunteered for an amazing org in LA called Chrysalis. They’ve since opened four locations around LA. It’s for the homeless but it’s not a shelter. Don’t know about present changes but back then they gave the homeless bus fare to their location, work clothes and training in how to interview and offered all sorts of classes. Hubby taught a computer class. One of the biggest problems was once they had a job they didn’t like being told what to do. They had been living on the streets, independent of rules. Chrysalis tried to teach them about having a boss or employer. I had a pile of their cards in my car so whenever I saw a panhandler I would give them the Chrysalis card and explain what they do. Sometimes I got genuine interest and a Thank you, and other times I got a F-k you. But it certainly weeded out who truly wanted to get back on their feet. I wish this org was national. I do know that Goodwill offers classes.

PS— my last name is spelled, Steefel. Good thing I use initials instead of my first name, Carissa. 😉

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First, sorry about misspelling your surname, Carissa. I will fix on the web version!

Chrysalis sounds like a GREAT organization and you're right—good way to sort out who wants to get back on their feet.

The goal of helping someone whose been super independent learn how to deal with a boss sounds like a fascinating challenge!

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Sep 16Liked by Anne Kadet

Always puzzled when Portland, OR, gets referenced as a town beset with social ills (and “town” it certainly is, not a big city). Anyway . . .

I loved Miranda’s quote in the final paragraph and feel sorry for any clients of Yankees fan, Brooklyn Heights resident and public defender, Steven. I’m allergic to cynicism.

I carry one-dollar bills in my car and hand them out with little slips of paper with addresses and other contact-info details for those seeking services (WIC, food stamps, housing/mental health/employment/addiction support/treatment). Hopefully, the dollar helps them get through the day and the slip of paper gives them the inspiration to advocate for themselves.

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Holy cow, EB, I just Googled and Portland has just 635,00 residents! Weird.

And your approach actually does sound ideal. Why didn't everyone else think of that?

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I live on Social Security so I don't have a lot to give. When I do, it's to women. I do have a kid who comes to my house every week for returnable cans and bottles. We have a standing appointment. I can't just leave them out for him, because so many people come by looking for cans.

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So interesting Sandra! I'd love to hear about how that arrangement came to be.

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Sep 16Liked by Anne Kadet

I'm curious how giving trends have evolved given the proliferation of p2p apps like Venmo, CashApp, Zelle, etc. I feel like less people (myself included) carry cash these days, so I wonder if things have gotten more challenging for panhandlers. I've seen a few that actually carry QR codes to make it easier to send a digital payment!

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HI Molly,

Good question! I've seen plenty of street musicians and other performers with QR codes and Venmo handles, but so far not any beggars. I think they are far less likely to have the smartphones phones and payment accounts you'd need to set this up, although I know some who do.

In the not-so-distant future, probably no one will carry cash and we will just zap money to panhandlers with our minds.

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Great article Anne. Actually I never carry cash. I'm an artist. Maybe a lot of panhandlers should make some art to sell or have a card printed with info on how to subscribe to their activity by paypal or something. (of course there is the banking problem.) It is a capitalist society everyone needs to generate capital. - sell something. Sometimes if somebody has a good sign I might ask to buy it from them for 20 bucks. Maybe I should set up a homeless art workshop and show how to make art to sell on the street. I was just in Brooklyn in May and did a collage safari with another artist from England. we gathered all our materials off the street and made collages for a week. Now I have some of them with my dealers including in NYC. I live in New Mexico, one of the poorest state in the country.

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Cecil, if you EVER do an art workshop for homeless people to help them produce "monetizable" "content" you HAVE to let me know so I can write a story about it!

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A year and a half ago My wife and I decided to help a specific guy at a homeless shelter in Santa Fe. For me it was an experiment. It is a long ongoing story, but I invited him to live with me in my studio and that I would dedicate whatever it took, as if he were one of my kids, to get him back on his feet and into society. He was very suspicious at first. What was my ulterior motive he wondered. But I didn't have one, I am an artist, I was experimenting. He is artistically inclined so I showed him how to make collages and he took to it and keeps making art and starting to look to the future. It took 4-6 months but he was able to get a bank account, get a job, rent an apartment, We went through the whole process, it was not easy exactly. It took patience. There are a lot of impediments from being down and out on the street and pulling your shit together. It takes direct, sustained help from somebody - an advocate and advisor but it worked and we stay in touch and get together and I keep up with what he is doing and how he is doing like I would with one of my kids. He knows I am here for him. We hang out, often once a week and talk about stuff and hang out for the evening. That might make an interesting interview for your page. I have been thinking about the workshop idea and might get my adopted son to do it with me, to go downtown and pick a homeless person and hang out with them for a day and show them how to make some art and make art with them and sell it on the street. I have ideas about that, it could be another interesting art experiment. Very Fluxus.

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Sep 18·edited Sep 18Liked by Anne Kadet

My daughter sent this to me a little while ago... About the homeless shelter in Santa Fe that I mentioned above.

Santa Fe gallery showcases art by residents of Pete's Place shelter https://www.kunm.org/local-news/2024-09-16/homelessness-art-santa-fe-petes-place The artworks were made at weekly workshops at the shelter that provides services to more than 1,000 people a year.

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Sep 18·edited Sep 18Liked by Anne Kadet

By the way, I also got my new kid, J Cirro set up on substack. He posts his poetry fairly regularly, you should follow him! https://jcirro.substack.com/ I keep telling him he should add his collages as images for the poems but he is not doing it so far. Most of them are really great. Maybe he needs a scanner, I'll have to check on that... We are going to hang out tomorrow evening.

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Oh wow, this is very cool, Cecil!

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Sep 17Liked by Anne Kadet

Reminds me of the 1995 David & Amy Sedaris play, One Woman Shoe, in which a new requirement for receiving welfare is creating a one-woman show. https://archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/books/97/03/16/reviews/sedaris-r-shoe.html

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This is a great idea

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16Liked by Anne Kadet

That $5 donation was your sparkly orange top and khakis! LOL.

I have to admit, I don't give that often since the pandemic; being out and about on a far less regular basis got me out of the habit of having cash at the ready in my pocket. Taking out my wallet on the street or subway always feels conspicuous; and if I do, it's of course awkward if I realize after the fact that I have nothing smaller than a $10 or $20. So if I don't have a couple loose dollars in my front pocket ready for that purpose, I generally don't.

But reading some of the curmudgeons' (I'm being kind) rationales about why they don't give is inspiring me to get back to being prepared and more generous! BTW, dude, people don't generally give to "the guy on the corner with his pants down,"; they're usually appropriately wary because the poor guy clearly has *mental health issues*! Be kind!

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JEB the number one reason I don't give (pan flutes aside) is because I don't have a dollar bill on me and I don't want to give more. Most of the time I make sure to have dollar bills in the side pocket of my purse. This also ensures I don't need to pull out my wallet,which often encourages the panhandler to ask for a bigger donation. To which I say, "Sorry, everyone gets a dollar!" as if I were a stubborn clerk at the DMV.

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