I love everything about this, Sparkles.

Also, am scheming a guerilla social experiment: posting signs that say "Thank you for being respectful" in various locations and watching what happens. Will people start acting more respectful? TIME WILL TELL.

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There is a person in my neighborhood who goes around posting signs that say, "Kindness Costs Us Nothing. BE KIND" and every time I see I see these signs, it makes me want to punch someone in the face.

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“You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.”

― Ralph Waldo Emerson

“People shouldn't have to earn kindness. They should have to earn cruelty.”

― Maggie Stiefvater

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Do you think that person actually practices kindness, or do they think that they’re doing their part with the signs? If you ever track them down and interview them, that’s what I want to know.

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If I find out who posted these signs I will gladly interview. But I already know the answer. This person THINKS they are practicing kindness but what they are really actually doing is driving their friends, family and neighbors bonkers with all kinds of unsolicited advice and suggestions based on their own ridiculous projections.

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"But you were always a good man of business, Jacob,” faltered

Scrooge, who now began to apply this to himself.

“Business!” cried the Ghost, wringing its hands again. “Mankind

was my business. The common welfare was my business; charity,

mercy, forbearance, and benevolence, were, all, my business. The

dealings of my trade were but a drop of water in the comprehensive

ocean of my business!”

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a curmudgeon in sparkly clothing...

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Oh no! The backlash effect!! Had not even considered!!

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How did I miss PaperBoy on the ballot??? I should have voted for him! What a fantastic New Yorker. And, as always, Anne, you really brought out his personality. I feel like I was just hanging out with the two of you for the past few minutes.

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Oh that's great to hear, thank you Jillian!

Paperboy was one of just 12 candidates who were able get enough signatures to get on the ballot (I think another 12 tried and failed), but wasn't included in any of the debates bc there was a $$$ requirement for that and as you know the campaign had no money. So most people did not know Paperboy was an option. I picked Kathryn Garcia as my first choice (as a middle-aged white lady living in Brooklyn Heights must do) but Paperboy was definitely in my mix!

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Nov 1, 2022Liked by Anne Kadet

I couldn't agree more! I love the exchange Anne and Paperboy had about the importance of fun. It really encapsulates an essential truth that I keep forgetting and remembering again.

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by Anne Kadet

The people who do not want the Dead Duck Tree Mastermind (DDTM) outed are COWARDS.

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Either you are sincere OR you are the DDTM deploying some weird reverse mind game...

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by Anne Kadet

Or I am BOTH.

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I hope you get to keep the rubber balls! 💟

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Pray for me!!!

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Maybe he won’t say anything. Then in a month or two, you can leave him some rubber bands and he can start new rubber band balls. Seems like a win-win.

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Maybe he low-key wants to ask for his balls back but doesn't have the balls to do it...

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I'll get to it! 💟

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“ Chatting at a Korean bubble tea/corn dog shop in Bushwick, I got the low-down on the day’s ensemble.”

The casual reference to Korean bubble tea/corn dog shop—lol is the type of delightful writing you’re so good at!

Paperboy Love Prince is an inspiration. I’m adding FUN to everything.

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Haha I'm glad you noticed that Pamela! I had to look the place up when I got home to figure out exactly where I'd been (Paperboy chose it of course). It's actually a Korean corn dog, bubble tea and DONUT place called Ugly Donuts & Corn Dogs, and it's a CHAIN.


The menu also includes something called a "milk flake bowl." I ordered a cappuccino.

Have fun having fun!!

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Oh man—it gets better and better.

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Definitely the most low-key NYC thing about this post.

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I agree!!! Anne's sentences are fun creations!

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I did NOT expect to be so moved by Paperboy Love Prince's interview! He's the best. Love CAFE ANNE! Thanks for always finding such fun stories

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Thank you Chris! I'm so glad you enjoyed the interview. I really didn't what was going to come out of it when I was going into it!

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I just LOVE your newsletter! For an old recluse like me, this is the best way to live in NYC. Ralph Gardner Jr. must have been joking about joining you and the Guardian Angels in order to get more subscribers . At least, I hope so.

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LOL Ralph is a funny one for sure. He actually updated me the next week to tell me precisely how many new subscribers he'd gained as a result of our little collaboration, so I think he was at least partially serious!

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Well, and he's honest, at least 😉

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Your newsletter is 500 WAYS TO HAVE FUN!!

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I was just thinking how important Anne’s Substack is, especially in 2022. So many writers have focused on politics (myself included); it’s profoundly refreshing to have an outlet like this.

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Aww thanks Michael—I was hoping when I launched that at least some folks would feel this way.

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1. Sweet shrine with rubber-band balls, etc. 2. He’s got a good point about ‘capitalistic fun.’

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Yeah that point really struck me too! So much emphasis on spending to have fun. But really, walking down the street should be fun. Washing the dishes should be fun.

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Also, putting in a vote for investigating the tree caregivers. I love it! It's so wholesome.

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I'm on it! Maybe the JUNEBUG can be my sleuthing sidekick.

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My heart is so warmed up. This is the first I've heard about Paperboy and I'm such a fan already. The outlook on win and lose is so refreshing and helpful to all of us. <3

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I'm with you! I know some might say that way of framing things is not realistic. But I think it works the other way around...that reality is very bendy!

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Yet again, an issue that makes me wish I lived in NYC! Amazing!

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This makes me so happy. Thank you Bryan!

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Great profile for Paperboy, Sparkles! The cynic in me thinks he’s a plant from Eric Adams to make the mayor look normal. But my inner cynic is no fun. I’m rooting for Paperboy, and if they’re reading this, I urge them to build on their success and run for Congress again -- 15% of the vote a base you can build on!

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Thank you Mr. Estrin!

I like your theory, cynical as it may be. It'd be fun to do an Eric Adams/Paperboy timeline to see how it matches up.

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Fun and fascinating!

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Booty Like a Desktop Computer... and you sing it like this..

"Booty Like a Desktop Computyyyy 🎤🎶"

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Just found the link to youtube version so everyone can listen...


It is truly fantastic!

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I'll be listening to that album today!

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Love the respectful tree! Especially the “No Pooping” dog sign, little JUNEBUG being entranced and the duck skeleton!!

Best line in this week’s newsletter goes to Ralph, of all people: “That is unfortunate news. I’ll have to cancel my new Marcus Aurelius business cards.” Ha!!!

The album, 500 WAYS TO HAVE FUN, was a self-fulfilling endeavor. My favorites on the album:

"Scan That Barcode"

"No Rubbing On My Sunblock!"

"How Many Ham"

"Sorry Had A Problem"

A title that should be on the next album: "Like A Student Government Kid"

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Oct 31, 2022·edited Oct 31, 2022Author


LOL these are such great titles you picked out. "How Many Ham." Good lord.

I should for sure do a followup post just on this album.

"Like a Student Government Kid" could be a whole album!!!

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by Anne Kadet

Paperboy Love Prince for Prez! 🤩 🌈 🌸 🎨

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Yay! Yessss! PAPERBOY 2024!!!

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