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Wow it never occurred to me to offer NyQuil to the houseplants as a tonic, but I do have half a bottle left, and a number of houseplants that are having a rough time. Maybe this is the start of a new CAFÉ ANNE serial?

You may be right about the book/not-an-a-hole correlation. I think ALL my close friends, both young and old, are book readers. Or at least they like to think they are, haha. My last boyfriend SAID he was a book reader and it turned out he wasn't really, AND LOOK WHAT HAPPENED.

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This line of reasoning can be extended. If you find a person who doesn't like pickles of any sort, perhaps they must be an a-hole and do not read books. I am going to start peeking at shopping carts at CostCo and see if the people buying discount books are also buying pickles in jars large enough to store ten years worth of change..

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“Realizing that many you once thought the world of are nothing but glorified assholes means you've grown up. ”

― Crystal Woods

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