"Be the person your dog thinks you are." sometimes the best part of your missives are inadvertent or second-hand. That's gold.

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Thanks Curt! I'll pass your kind words along to Ms. Shensky.

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Anne, thank you for making me feel like I just spent the day on Bonkers Island! I feel like I got some secondhand bonkerismo.

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"BONKERISMO!" Mind if I steal that Ms. Nordell? (It would be my second steal, I know...)

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It would be my greatest act of bonkerismo.

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This was a delightful read, thank you! I ran a 5k Thanksgiving Turkey Trot on Roosevelt Island on a solo trip to New York in 2018. I remember thinking it felt weirdly...sparse, clinical? compared to Manhattan, but had lovely views. I got lost in Queens trying to get back to my holiday apartment in the Lower East Side. Look forward to your next issue! Cheers

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That sounds like a great adventure Hannah! And yeah, those are good words for area, at least compared to other parts of NYC. Glad you enjoyed the post!

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I've never been to Roosevelt Island, and after your post I don't necessarily want to visit, but it does seem like a lovely place to live!

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Yeah, if you don't want where you live to be a big FUSS, this is a great choice!

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Oh thank you BA I am glad you enjoyed!!!

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I surely did! I know I've read something in the past about someone who lived on Roosevelt Island... but who? I thought it was Oliver Sacks, but I couldn't find anything to confirm that. Maybe it'll come to me...

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See if the Department of Correction will let you visit Hart Island, NYC’s potter’s field. The DOC is responsible for burying the bodies. The place lends itself to your ample curiosity and descriptive talents.

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Thanks Ralph I'll check it out!

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Nov 7, 2022Liked by Anne Kadet

Among many bonkers things on Bonkers Island, the most unusual is a male speech therapist! (as a profession, we're 90+% female).

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Oh that's so interesting! And just anecdotally, he seemed to be one of the area's few stay-at-home dads. I felt really lucky he was my first interview—he was so helpful and friendly and funny.

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Gosh I remember many moons ago looking at an apartment on Roosevelt Island but I can’t remember why I didn’t get it, I’m thinking the rent $. I do remember it feeling a little too quiet so maybe that was it....I was in my 20’s and quiet wasn’t in my wheelhouse. The cat sanctuary seemed interesting. When I worked at NYP my unit faced the East River so I always had great views or Roosevelt island. Nights were the prettiest. I enjoyed reading your piece, you really conveyed a sense of community there.

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Thanks Jean! Yes it would for sure be an odd choice for someone in their 20s, unless they had kids. Glad you enjoyed the story!

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A visit to Bonkers Island is now on my bucket list.

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Haha I think I accomplished the impossible!!

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Best line: “While there really wasn’t anywhere to go, it was certainly easy to get there.” It tied with, “First came the new Cornell Tech campus, obviously built by billionaires from Mars.”

I’ve been hoping for an update of Halloween at the Behr Mansion in Brooklyn! Bad timing on Diane and her husband’s costumes, though.

As for you, Sparkles and that “Scrooge” attitude toward candy/children at Halloween: "Are there no prisons?" asked Scrooge… "And the Union workhouses?" demanded Scrooge. "Are they still in operation?"… “I help to support the establishments I have mentioned--they cost enough; and those who are badly off must go there."

OMG!! I threw-up in my mouth reading about the “exceptional and grandiose” life of Kellyn Shensky in “Pigeon of the Month.” Made me feel soooo inadequate in my humdrum existence that I’m surprised I didn’t take-the-gaspipe! “If the poor have no sushi, let them eat cake!” Kellyn is far too bumptious for my taste. I can only imagine the reality of how lacking she is.

As for the delightful story about Roosevelt Island, my take-away is that I must purchase a Roosevelt Island “ASYLUM FOR THE INSANE” shot glass, for my bro-in-law, for Christmas! Mr. Gaye described the ideal spot to spend eternity: “When I’m in Roosevelt Island, I can see everything. You should come to my house! Come to my rooftop and stand there. You’re seeing all five boroughs from my rooftop.” And since he was related to a diplomat and since, “It drew many workers from the nearby U.N., so the apartment buildings are packed with folks from around the world,” that reminded me of the daughter of a diplomat at the U.N. who I went to college with, Liz Mahoney. Her father was a diplomat from a country in Africa. Liz was the nicest! And she had the absolute nicest shape of any girl at Ohio Northern University in the early 1970’s; the guys I hung with called it a “sheer-power-build!”. She once came to my dorm room to ask advice on a failed romance and I could have taken advantage of the situation as she was vulnerable, and I was 20 year old male; but I didn’t. Sigh! Thanks for the memory, Sparkles! Maybe Liz and her family lived on Roosevelt Island?

Fortunate Sully Sullenberger didn’t encounter Roosevelt Island on US Airways Flight 1549 that he ditched in the Hudson River in 2009!

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JRB, that first Scrooge quote you refer to is a Kadet family favorite. *Sigh* They don't make rich people like they used to!

I just checked the visitors center website.You can't buy the merch online. Bummer!

I had look up "bumptious." What a good word! Thank you!

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Sparkles, you are a great observer/commentator of life! A Christmas Carol should replace the Bible. I didn't know "bumptious" either. I looked it up so that I could appear bumptious!!

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PS. Look for traces of Liz Mahoney in your adventures!

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Nov 7, 2022Liked by Anne Kadet

Fantastic newsletter issue, Anne, as always! Your description of Roosevelt Island made me want to live there (currently a CA resident seeking new vistas), but Realtor.com shows zero available homes, and judging from the cost of renting a very small apartment, totally unaffordable. But very intriguing. I think Ms. Shensky might be totally bored there, however.

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Oh Ms. Shensky wouldn't be caught dead on Roosevelt Island, I am sure.

I've been wondering about the real estate prices for Roosevelt Island but did not myself look as I was afraid of infecting my story with said data. You just got me curious to look. A two-bedroom at the Octagon(the former lunatic asylum) starts at $5336 a month.


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Nov 7, 2022Liked by Anne Kadet

I’d like to know if you bought one of those shot glasses to add to your altar with the rubber band balls?

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Ooooh nooos! HUGE missed opportunity!

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Nov 13, 2022Liked by Anne Kadet

Hello Dear Anne. I voted no on the tree mystery. Because unexplained has its own particular beauty. The other night my ex-husband and I were walking the dogs and we saw this incredible stream of shivery lights in the sky. We stood, transfixed. He immediately went home and googled it. I treasure that I will never know what it was. Much love from Texas, Hillary E.

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Hillary!! So interesting that so many people PREFER to let things be a mystery. I'd also have Googled the lights the second I got home, or even worse, posted a question on NextDoor, haha. I am glad there are both kinds of minds on this planet even though I really don't understand the mystery appreciators.

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Nov 9, 2022Liked by Anne Kadet

To rearrange an old saying...

It's a nice place to live there but I wouldn't want to visit.

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Ha yes! That seems to be the consensus.

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Nov 8, 2022Liked by Anne Kadet

I've always wondered what Roosevelt Island is like, but never bothered to go there. Great piece. It sounds perfect for people who want to move to a suburb to raise their children but they would miss the city life too much.

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Thanks Dyske! I think that's exactly right. It's just as park-like, safe and suburban in feel as say, Montclair but its one subway (or tram) stop from Manhattan rather than an hour on public transit or a nightmare car commute.

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Nov 9, 2022Liked by Anne Kadet

That's so funny. Yesterday, I shared your article with a friend who is looking for a house in Montclair because they just had a baby.

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I love this post! Thanks for sharing this with your readers.

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So happy you enjoyed! Thank you Roland!

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