Well, the fact that he didn't reply to your shrine email made my suspicious. I think he may be distancing himself from you.
And the fact that you typed "never" in caps and even added an exclamation point to it is a double signal of your deep down unacknowledged thought that I'm right. LET'S SEE!
I've seen a pattern where doormen get injured and then blame the injury on their job and then retire on worker's comp.
Good for them
I do not doubt you, but Mr. Santiago would NEVER! He says he is very much looking forward to coming back.
Well, the fact that he didn't reply to your shrine email made my suspicious. I think he may be distancing himself from you.
And the fact that you typed "never" in caps and even added an exclamation point to it is a double signal of your deep down unacknowledged thought that I'm right. LET'S SEE!
Are you taking bets?
Sure, if you give me odds. You have to admit my prediction is a longshot. Say 5 to 1.