NYC Teen Roulette is a win! This is the perfect antidote to the constant stream of "kids today" moral panic clickbait BS articles. Thank you for making the internet better, Anne!

Also, RIP Sherita. I guess we never really knew ye.

Finally, stay weird "Aharon."

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These teens are blowing my mind! I love how they look out for each other and Thea's insight about it being easier to do nothing than to do anything, and to be sad instead of happy. What a treasure, thank you, Anne!

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Apr 22Liked by Anne Kadet

This was incredible! Also, speaking as a 40 year old, Insaf's comment that you don't really become an adult till 45 made me feel very seen lol.

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Apr 22Liked by Anne Kadet

Yesss the teens! They are all so great! Cool pics too, and I'm glad they were so up for the questions.

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Apr 22Liked by Anne Kadet

“Please” “share” with “Aharon” that he “cleared” the “whole” “friend” thing up “perfectly”.

Love the teens - in some ways more thoughtful and clear than the oldsters.

Thanks for another great newsletter! Brightens up the Monday!

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"But you have to try to stay positive, otherwise you want to just die all the time." -- This is my problem!

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Apr 22Liked by Anne Kadet

The cynic in me wants to believe you just lucked upon a minority of smart, cool NYC teens, but my less dark side is trying to hope these are more representative. I'm pushing 60 and know barely anything of Patti Smith (though some friends are devotees), but the idea of a 14 year old reading her memoir warms my heart. And 70-somethings are not OLD! Love it! Plus, they "get" some of what's wrong, angering or merely amusingly quirky about older generations without being angsty or resentful about it. Hope.

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I love that the teenagers are just as insightful as the seniors! Of course if you ask the seniors what they think of Tik Tok or who they would want to grow up to be, you might get some funny looks. Maybe you should swap age appropriate questions sometime.

I actually know a couple of those teens, but I will not reveal who since I'm not buggin.

Speaking of buggin, what side of the shoes in the house divide are you?

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Apr 22Liked by Anne Kadet

aww, these teens are so wholesome and also they have great hair

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The kids are alright! (Not that I had any doubt 🙂) Love this! These were great questions also.

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Apr 22Liked by Anne Kadet

Hi Willa! Proud to say that she’s my cousin!

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Apr 22Liked by Anne Kadet

Magnificent Teen Roulette! Thank you for considering and then carrying it out with such creativity!

Insaf gets it -- "I've never met a 30-year-old who acts like an adult. They're always confused." -- After decades of observation, I'm convinced that the 30s is when everyone loses it to some degree. Those fortunate enough to be aware and capable then take several deep breaths, reinvent themselves, and launch out into their 40s and beyond.

Violet gets it -- "People in power are always going to disregard the needs of others to benefit themselves and make themselves more money, even when it's obvious they're going to be affected by the bad things too." -- Short-sighted greed, through the ages.

And Thea, too -- "There's more temptation to do nothing then there ever was before, and it's hard to push past that and do things you know you're going to enjoy."

If you ran "Aging Low-level bureaucrat Roulette", I couldn't have given better answers myself.

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“the kids are alright” - really sums up this social experiment 🙌🏻

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Apr 22Liked by Anne Kadet

Anne I have to admit that I love teen roulette way more than senior citizens roulette for the saddest reason: it’s now easier for me to imagine the answers of a 70 year old than a 17 year old 😢

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Wow, the kids ARE alright! If they’re a representative sample, I’m psyched. Love how the confusion around “Aharon” has not been cleared up. Cracking up at my question seeming “creepy”! (Typeshit!) Only realized it later, when I reread it.

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